Flow Calibration, Flow Prover, Flow Calibrator Maintenance and Upgrades

We understand the detailed theory and design of flowmeter calibrators and provers systems. CompuFlow can bring its expertise to dramatically improve your existing system, even if they were manufactured decades ago, or by a different company.

Flowmeter Calibrator Mechanical Design

The mechanical design of flowmeter calibrators has dramatically improved through new understanding of metallurgy, fluid dynamics, and material science.  Even existing system can gain longer life or improved accuracy when simple changing of a few components. Take advantage of CompuFlow Solutions’ experience in the development and understanding of these new developments.


Flow Calibrator Electronics and Instrumentation

Everyone watches the eye-popping advances in electronics in our everyday lives. The electronics in your existing 1980’s flow calibrator instrumentation and electronics has been no less exciting to participate in. We can rid your old flow calibrator of the obsolete parts and unsupported old operating systems with simple upgrades of the system electronics and instrumentation.  It is possible to dramatically improve your flowmeter calibration uncertainty with simple electronics upgrades.


CFlow+ Software

CompuFlow Solutions’ CFlow+ software can be adapted to every flow calibrator that we have ever found in the field, no matter how old or who made it. It is easy to learn, intuitive, and powerful.  Detailed diagnostics are included to make calibrator/prover failures easy to identify and repair..


Field Service

Upgrades can be performed at your facility or your equipment can be upgraded at our Phoenix facilities. Our expert staff is available to work in the field for certification, repair, consultation, and training on every phase of the field of flow measurement, flowmeters, uncertainty, and flowmeter calibration.